Datador hot Stamping with kinds of brass
Transfer in heated and tape drive for eletrical solenoid.
Model: 100 - DTHS
Manufacturer: FEUL PACK
This is a time stamp practical, fast and economical. Your system allows its application in intermittent packaging machines or continues. It offers equipment efficiency and low handling operator.
How it works: The internal body dater head is heated by electric heaters with fixed control, which when activated by an electric solenoid that receives signal via sensor. pressing kinds of brass against the ribbon, and this in turn transfers the ink container , making a perfect marking. All its mechanism is driven by the solenoid , which also causes tape rewind through a simple mechanism EFFICIENT avoiding waste of tape , because the same can be adjusted. It can also be used in place of the pneumatic piston and solenoid optional.
Volts: 220V
Production: Up to 160 cycles / minute
Dial: Prints up to 3 lines